staff and volunteers for thistles and dandelions group photo
One of EWfC’s largest and longest running projects, Thistles & Dandelions aimed to connect underrepresented women with heritage spaces in Glasgow, whether that is making use of Glasgow's museums and art galleries, seeking employment in the heritage sector or taking ownership of the heritage stories told.
The T&D team developed a programme in partnership with local museums, libraries and other cultural organisations with whom we delivered workshops and training to our volunteers, and created co-produced outputs like exhibitions and walking tours.
paper maché workshop service users enjoying inspired
Since the success of the launch of the project in 2020, the T&D team have been involved in consultation with various heritage organisations to support the developing good practice of working with community groups and creating accessible heritage spaces.

Through our programme of accessible community engagement activities, we seek to advance the voices of marginalised women while opening up heritage in Glasgow to ethnic and cultural minority communities in the city.​​

To find out more about the Thistles and Dandelions Residency, check out our T&D Blog!

Here you’ll find information about all the workshops and activities we got up to!

We created a community of women, including ethnic and cultural minorities, new migrants, refugee and asylum-seeking women living in Glasgow who through the project, were empowered to access volunteering, education and employment within the heritage sector, as well as to become more confident, make new friends and learn more about the city. Our volunteers were supported holistically to participate and our community provided a safe, nurturing environment to try new things, develop and meet new people.

Feedback from Participants

" "It was my first experience in a UK museum, and it was absolutely fun. Thank you for arranging everything."

— Exhibition attendee

"I had a lovely time discussing important topics and doing papier-mache; I’m very pleased with the work we did."

— Thistles & Dandelions Volunteer

"I learned a lot about museum tour guiding and the importance of personalising tours from both Natalie Milor and Kaneez Fizza. Thank you!"

— Thistles & Dandelions Volunteer