Funded by Awards for All Scotland, Big Lottery Fund, the main aim of the project was to empower, equip and support ethnic minority women in Glasgow to identify their skills, strengths and what they can offer to their families, communities and the overall Scottish society. 
EWfC delivered various workshops to address different aspects of the projects' aims, including:
  • Confident You!
  • The Power of Happiness
  • Civic Participation
  • Equality Act 2010 Training - Know your rights!
  • Social Enterprise
  • Mindfulness and colouring for relaxation

Here’s what some of our workshop attendees had to say!

“I have learned the impact of not voting, our small actions can impact our community in big ways and we all have different resources, if we put together we can create change.”

— Civic Participation Workshop Attendee

"I really enjoyed the workshop because it is an interesting topic about the Equality Act 2010, I did not even know about it, it gave me more power to report anything that will happen to me from now on”

— Equality Act 2010 Training Attendee

“I will definitely work and focus on my health and personal happiness and think about myself which I have not been doing.”

— The Power of Happiness Workshop Attendee

“Social Enterprise becomes an unbreakable success chain as you are always giving back to the community. Even if you yourself do not achieve your goals, others who will get involved with you will take something back with them”

— Social Enterprise Workshop Attendee