sharing and learning green header
sharing and learning images, yoga, internet safety, confidence
sharing and learning icons, painting, safety, museum visit
Our Sharing and Learning project was funded by Awards For All Scotland, The National Lottery. It provided women with a space to talk about what matters to them, their needs, issues, and how they want to move forward to achieve this for themselves. The project ultimately aimed for women to come together, identify and share their experience, and unlock their talents, skills and strengths to discover what they can offer to their families, communities and themselves. 
Through partnerships with other organisations such as Wise Women and Amina MWRC, and with our creative and dedicated team of staff and volunteers, EWfC facilitated a number of workshops for women which underpin the foundation of confidence, assertiveness, self-esteem, self-image, mental health and wellbeing. We also provided childcare so that women could attend workshops freely. Lunch was provided after every workshop for the women to get involved in networking and socialising. 
To achieve its aims, the Sharing and Learning project organised the following:
  • 10 week confidence building programme
  • Personal safety workshop
  • 2 internet safety workshops
  • 2 introductory employability programme in partnership with Amina MWRC
  • Parents For All workshop in partnership with BEMIS
  • Yoga session for mind, body and soul
  • Sketch and de-stress, mindfulness relaxation workshop
  • Arts and creativity workshop in Bellahouston Park in partnership with House for an Art Lover
  • Art and creativity workshop at Kelvingrove Art Gallery

Project Impact

The project provided opportunity for all women to make new friends, encouraged them to explore broader interests, and participate in a variety of activities. The various sessions proved to help women with their English, increase knowledge and confidence, but also as a source of much needed social support. Involvement and interaction in activities, all in a safe and supportive environment provided participants some relief from their often chaotic lives.
The project has helped the organisation to build a strong team of staff, volunteers and active members from diverse communities. It helped to build cohesive communities from diverse backgrounds through working and learning together, interacting and sharing experiences. We have developed sustainable partnerships with organisations which will continue in the future to provide better services to meet the needs and address the challenges of our service users.